Calendar 2019-09-01T10:37:20-04:00
March 2025
Daily Nectar of Bhagavatam Online Study @ Online - Please Register for Details
Dec 23 @ 9:00 pm – 10:00 pm

Please contact for details and registration. It is Free, only price is the sincere and honest desire to go deeper in your spiritual inquisitiveness.

Srimad-Bhagavatam begins with the definition of the ultimate source. It is a bona fide commentary on the Vedanta-sutra and gradually it develops into nine cantos up to the highest state of God realization. The Bhagavatam is the postgraduate, post-Vedic text of spiritual understanding. It has served as the inspiration for countless works of literature, song, drama, painting, and sculpture. The 18,000-verse treatise centers on the science of God and devotion to Him, and includes biographies of great devotees who followed the path of Bhakti and attained Krishna

Known as “the ripened fruit of the tree of Vedic literature,” Srimad-Bhagavatam is the most complete and authoritative exposition of Vedic knowledge. Covering everything from the nature of the self to the origin of the universe, it touches upon all fields of knowledge.The first verse of Srimad-Bhagavatam makes clear that the book is intended for people serious about spiritual progress; it will not deal with sectarian religious ideas, philosophical conjecture, or worldly concerns. The second verse promises that anyone who reads the book systematically will achieve the spiritual success meant for all human beings.


The Timeless Wisdom. Srimad-Bhagavatam, an epic… | by Niladri Bihari Nayak | Medium

Daily Morning Srimad Bhagavatam Online Class @ Online
Dec 24 @ 8:00 am – 9:00 am

Join Online Meeting:
Join by Phone: +19292056099Meeting ID: 852 0058 9001Passcode: 6200

Daily Nectar of Bhagavatam Online Study @ Online - Please Register for Details
Dec 24 @ 9:00 pm – 10:00 pm

Please contact for details and registration. It is Free, only price is the sincere and honest desire to go deeper in your spiritual inquisitiveness.

Srimad-Bhagavatam begins with the definition of the ultimate source. It is a bona fide commentary on the Vedanta-sutra and gradually it develops into nine cantos up to the highest state of God realization. The Bhagavatam is the postgraduate, post-Vedic text of spiritual understanding. It has served as the inspiration for countless works of literature, song, drama, painting, and sculpture. The 18,000-verse treatise centers on the science of God and devotion to Him, and includes biographies of great devotees who followed the path of Bhakti and attained Krishna

Known as “the ripened fruit of the tree of Vedic literature,” Srimad-Bhagavatam is the most complete and authoritative exposition of Vedic knowledge. Covering everything from the nature of the self to the origin of the universe, it touches upon all fields of knowledge.The first verse of Srimad-Bhagavatam makes clear that the book is intended for people serious about spiritual progress; it will not deal with sectarian religious ideas, philosophical conjecture, or worldly concerns. The second verse promises that anyone who reads the book systematically will achieve the spiritual success meant for all human beings.


The Timeless Wisdom. Srimad-Bhagavatam, an epic… | by Niladri Bihari Nayak | Medium

Daily Morning Srimad Bhagavatam Online Class @ Online
Dec 25 @ 8:00 am – 9:00 am

Join Online Meeting:
Join by Phone: +19292056099Meeting ID: 852 0058 9001Passcode: 6200

Gita Jayanti (Advent of Bhagavad Gita) @ Online
Dec 25 @ 4:45 pm – 8:30 pm
Gita Jayanti (Advent of Bhagavad Gita) @ Online

Let’s Come Together as a Community and Celebrate Gita Jayanti

Friday, December 25th, 2020 @4:45pm
Entire Bhagavad Gita Sanskrit 700 verses Recitation
Join Online Conference

Password: 108108
Join by Phone
Dial: +1 9292056099
Meeting ID: 856 9582 7340
Password: 108108
Hare Krishna!

On Friday, December 25th, on the auspicious day of Ekadasi, we are inviting the whole community to come together on an online platform (Video Conference Call) and recite and hear entire Bhagavad Gita Sanskrit 700 verses. We also celebrate “Gita Jayanti” on this day.

Please join us on this auspicious day to recite and hear the divine verses of Bhagavad Gita and to also invite your groups/friends/contacts to participate. We believe this will also create tremendous positive energy around us for the well being of the entire community.

About Gita Jayanti – The Advent of Bhagavad Gita
Gita Jayanti is the auspicious day of the advent of Srimad Bhagavad-gita. This is the day on which Lord Krishna imparted the essence of Vedic knowledge to Arjuna over 5000 years ago and enlightened him about the ultimate goal of life. On this day, devotees gather to recite all 700 verses together remembering this sacred conversation between the Lord and His dear devotee.

About Bhagavad Gita – The crown-jewel of india’s spiritual information
The Bhagavad-Gita is a sacred text across all Hindu traditions and is considered a summary of all ancient Vedic philosophical texts. It was spoken by Lord Krishna Himself to His best friend Arjuna on the battlefield of Kurukshetra, 5,000 years ago. The Bhagavad-Gita, literally means “The Lord’s Song” and is understood as a conversation between Krishna and Arjuna but meant for the whole world’s benefit. The message of Bhagavad Gita is applicable for everyone irrespective their religion, race, background. It is infact “the manual for life”.
As stated in the Gita-mahatmya, if one properly follows the instructions of Bhagavad-gita, one can be freed from all miseries and anxieties in this life, and one’s next life will be spiritual.

Benefits of Reciting Bhagavad Gita
– If one reads Bhagavad-gita regularly and attentively, he/she can surpass the study of all Vedic literature. The study of all Vedas, Puranas and Itihasas are completed in all respects if one studies just this one book.

– As per Vedic scriptures, just by chanting the Gita once, one achieves the piety accrued from donating cows in charity to worthy recipients

– Reciting verses of Bhagavad Gita brings both material opulence and spiritual benefits

– Reciting verses and following the instructions of Bhagavad Gita frees us from all miseries and anxieties in this life

Please feel free to extend this invitation to your family, friends and anyone else who might be interested.


Visit Berks Bhakti Yoga (ISKCON) to know about the science of Bhakti Yoga, the Topmost Yoga System, as prescribed by Vedic Scriptures.
Come and Experience the Bliss and Nectar of Bhakti Yoga – Kirtan, Bhagvat Gita Study, Mantra Meditation, Prayers in Reading – Friday’s @7:00pm @ Please Register (free) for Details
Dec 25 @ 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm

Come and Explore Divinity With-in and With-out through the Soul-Stirring Sacred Chants and Hymns !

Come and Experience the Bliss and Nectar of Bhakti Yoga – The Sweetest of the Yoga Systems and The Yoga of Love !

Come and Learn The Science & Art of Bhakti Yoga as described in Bhagvat Gita – The Spiritual Crown Jewel from India !

The Beatles had it right when they sang “the love you take is equal to the love you make”. Bhakti is about making more love—putting it out into the world, not just in principle but also in practice. One of the best known of the traditional practices of bhakti yoga is Kirtan—the devotional chanting of the names of God.

No matter what tradition you come from, chanting God’s name opens a process of healing and cleansing the heart. The Vedas say that there are as many names for God as there are waves on the ocean. We call him Krishna; Christians call him Jesus; Jews call him Yahweh; the Sufis call him Khuda. Whatever the case, let the beautiful name of the Lord remind you that you are more loved than you can even imagine.

Schedule (Every Friday)
7:00 pm: Soulful Kirtan (an ancient participatory music experience).
7:30 pm: Discussion on Spiritual Science based on timeless teachings of Vedic Scriptures & Bhakti Yoga (The Topmost Yoga System).
8:30 pm: Q/A.
8:40 pm: Mindful Mantra Meditation.
8:50 pm: Group Prayers for everyone’s well-being.
9:05 pm: Sumptuous & Sanctified Dinner (Prasadam) Feast made with Love!

!!! Invitation is open to everyone and there is no cost !!!

Please feel free to extend this invitation to your family and friends.

Upcoming Programs
Recent Program Pictures

If you would like to host a bhajan/spiritual program at your home (to celebrate a birthday or anniversary or any other special occasion), we will be more than happy to come over to your place with devotees for a nice spiritual program. Please contact us at


Berks Bhakti Yoga
Reading, PA
Ph: 484-706-9197

Visit Berks Bhakti Yoga to know about the science of Bhakti Yoga, the Topmost Yoga System, as prescribed by Vedic Scriptures.

Daily Morning Srimad Bhagavatam Online Class @ Online
Dec 28 @ 8:00 am – 9:00 am

Join Online Meeting:
Join by Phone: +19292056099Meeting ID: 852 0058 9001Passcode: 6200

Daily Nectar of Bhagavatam Online Study @ Online - Please Register for Details
Dec 28 @ 9:00 pm – 10:00 pm

Please contact for details and registration. It is Free, only price is the sincere and honest desire to go deeper in your spiritual inquisitiveness.

Srimad-Bhagavatam begins with the definition of the ultimate source. It is a bona fide commentary on the Vedanta-sutra and gradually it develops into nine cantos up to the highest state of God realization. The Bhagavatam is the postgraduate, post-Vedic text of spiritual understanding. It has served as the inspiration for countless works of literature, song, drama, painting, and sculpture. The 18,000-verse treatise centers on the science of God and devotion to Him, and includes biographies of great devotees who followed the path of Bhakti and attained Krishna

Known as “the ripened fruit of the tree of Vedic literature,” Srimad-Bhagavatam is the most complete and authoritative exposition of Vedic knowledge. Covering everything from the nature of the self to the origin of the universe, it touches upon all fields of knowledge.The first verse of Srimad-Bhagavatam makes clear that the book is intended for people serious about spiritual progress; it will not deal with sectarian religious ideas, philosophical conjecture, or worldly concerns. The second verse promises that anyone who reads the book systematically will achieve the spiritual success meant for all human beings.


The Timeless Wisdom. Srimad-Bhagavatam, an epic… | by Niladri Bihari Nayak | Medium

Daily Morning Srimad Bhagavatam Online Class @ Online
Dec 29 @ 8:00 am – 9:00 am

Join Online Meeting:
Join by Phone: +19292056099Meeting ID: 852 0058 9001Passcode: 6200

Daily Nectar of Bhagavatam Online Study @ Online - Please Register for Details
Dec 29 @ 9:00 pm – 10:00 pm

Please contact for details and registration. It is Free, only price is the sincere and honest desire to go deeper in your spiritual inquisitiveness.

Srimad-Bhagavatam begins with the definition of the ultimate source. It is a bona fide commentary on the Vedanta-sutra and gradually it develops into nine cantos up to the highest state of God realization. The Bhagavatam is the postgraduate, post-Vedic text of spiritual understanding. It has served as the inspiration for countless works of literature, song, drama, painting, and sculpture. The 18,000-verse treatise centers on the science of God and devotion to Him, and includes biographies of great devotees who followed the path of Bhakti and attained Krishna

Known as “the ripened fruit of the tree of Vedic literature,” Srimad-Bhagavatam is the most complete and authoritative exposition of Vedic knowledge. Covering everything from the nature of the self to the origin of the universe, it touches upon all fields of knowledge.The first verse of Srimad-Bhagavatam makes clear that the book is intended for people serious about spiritual progress; it will not deal with sectarian religious ideas, philosophical conjecture, or worldly concerns. The second verse promises that anyone who reads the book systematically will achieve the spiritual success meant for all human beings.


The Timeless Wisdom. Srimad-Bhagavatam, an epic… | by Niladri Bihari Nayak | Medium

Daily Morning Srimad Bhagavatam Online Class @ Online
Dec 30 @ 8:00 am – 9:00 am

Join Online Meeting:
Join by Phone: +19292056099Meeting ID: 852 0058 9001Passcode: 6200

Daily Nectar of Bhagavatam Online Study @ Online - Please Register for Details
Dec 30 @ 9:00 pm – 10:00 pm

Please contact for details and registration. It is Free, only price is the sincere and honest desire to go deeper in your spiritual inquisitiveness.

Srimad-Bhagavatam begins with the definition of the ultimate source. It is a bona fide commentary on the Vedanta-sutra and gradually it develops into nine cantos up to the highest state of God realization. The Bhagavatam is the postgraduate, post-Vedic text of spiritual understanding. It has served as the inspiration for countless works of literature, song, drama, painting, and sculpture. The 18,000-verse treatise centers on the science of God and devotion to Him, and includes biographies of great devotees who followed the path of Bhakti and attained Krishna

Known as “the ripened fruit of the tree of Vedic literature,” Srimad-Bhagavatam is the most complete and authoritative exposition of Vedic knowledge. Covering everything from the nature of the self to the origin of the universe, it touches upon all fields of knowledge.The first verse of Srimad-Bhagavatam makes clear that the book is intended for people serious about spiritual progress; it will not deal with sectarian religious ideas, philosophical conjecture, or worldly concerns. The second verse promises that anyone who reads the book systematically will achieve the spiritual success meant for all human beings.


The Timeless Wisdom. Srimad-Bhagavatam, an epic… | by Niladri Bihari Nayak | Medium

Daily Morning Srimad Bhagavatam Online Class @ Online
Dec 31 @ 8:00 am – 9:00 am

Join Online Meeting:
Join by Phone: +19292056099Meeting ID: 852 0058 9001Passcode: 6200

Daily Nectar of Bhagavatam Online Study @ Online - Please Register for Details
Dec 31 @ 9:00 pm – 10:00 pm

Please contact for details and registration. It is Free, only price is the sincere and honest desire to go deeper in your spiritual inquisitiveness.

Srimad-Bhagavatam begins with the definition of the ultimate source. It is a bona fide commentary on the Vedanta-sutra and gradually it develops into nine cantos up to the highest state of God realization. The Bhagavatam is the postgraduate, post-Vedic text of spiritual understanding. It has served as the inspiration for countless works of literature, song, drama, painting, and sculpture. The 18,000-verse treatise centers on the science of God and devotion to Him, and includes biographies of great devotees who followed the path of Bhakti and attained Krishna

Known as “the ripened fruit of the tree of Vedic literature,” Srimad-Bhagavatam is the most complete and authoritative exposition of Vedic knowledge. Covering everything from the nature of the self to the origin of the universe, it touches upon all fields of knowledge.The first verse of Srimad-Bhagavatam makes clear that the book is intended for people serious about spiritual progress; it will not deal with sectarian religious ideas, philosophical conjecture, or worldly concerns. The second verse promises that anyone who reads the book systematically will achieve the spiritual success meant for all human beings.


The Timeless Wisdom. Srimad-Bhagavatam, an epic… | by Niladri Bihari Nayak | Medium

Daily Morning Srimad Bhagavatam Online Class @ Online
Jan 1 @ 8:00 am – 9:00 am

Join Online Meeting:
Join by Phone: +19292056099Meeting ID: 852 0058 9001Passcode: 6200